Announcing the 2019-21 Online Learning Advancement Fund recipients
The Office of the Provost and Vice-President, Academic, UBC Vancouver is pleased to announce the Online Learning Advancement Fund (OLAF) recipients for 2019-21. Launched earlier this year as part of UBC’s commitment to transformative learning, the OLAF is aimed at supporting the development of cohort-based online learning opportunities – either online or non-credit. In total, […]
Funding available to support research collaborations between Vancouver and the Okanagan
A message from Gail Murphy, Vice-President, Research and Innovation Faculty members from all disciplines are invited to apply to the UBC Collaborative Research Mobility Awards (UBC CRMA) program. These awards facilitate collaboration on timely research opportunities between UBC researchers in Vancouver and the Okanagan. Competitions will be held four times per year. The submission deadline […]
Bringing Scholars into the Newsroom
A team of political scientists, economists, geographers, legal scholars and environmental scientists are working hand-in-hand with investigative journalists at UBC to tell under-reported stories about the hidden costs in global supply chains. Led by Prof. Peter Klein, an Emmy-award winning journalist and professor at the Graduate School of Journalism, the collaborative initiative is part of […]
Spanish for Community: Making an impact through community-engaged learning
Imagine experiencing the Hispanic community and being immersed in the language without having to step foot outside of Vancouver. That’s the goal of Spanish for Community, an experiential and service learning initiative created by Dr. Maria Carbonetti, Lecturer of Spanish in UBC’s Department of French, Hispanic & Italian Studies. Originally created in 2010, the community-based […]
Textile Tech
UBC researchers are embarking on a three-year collaboration with partners across western Canada to develop new wearable technologies to help keep Canadian soldiers safer and more comfortable during their missions. UBC Okanagan Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering Kevin Golovin has assembled a team of the nation’s most esteemed scientific researchers and industry leaders to create […]
New advanced research computing infrastructure available to UBC researchers
A message from Gail Murphy, Vice-President, Research and Innovation, and Jennifer Burns, Chief Information Officer UBC researchers in all disciplines are invited to apply to access new advanced research computing infrastructure, UBC ARC Sockeye. The application deadline is October 14. Sockeye is a high-performance computing platform featuring 7,000 CPU cores, and more than 10 petabytes of […]
Recognizing staff excellence
Great people are at the heart of UBC – which is why the university annually recognizes staff and faculty who not only contribute to making UBC an employer of choice, but who also embrace the university’s values. This year, 32 exceptional staff members from UBC Vancouver and UBC Okanagan were recently recognized for their outstanding […]
UBC tool innovates peer feedback process
ComPAIR, a cross-disciplinary teaching and learning tool, is offering a new approach to peer feedback. Developed at UBC, this open-source online tool offers an innovative extension of traditional peer feedback tools by tapping into students’ innate ability to compare. By presenting pairs of assignments side-by-side, students have a reference point when reflecting on strengths and […]
2020 call for proposals for Small Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund Innovation projects
The Office of the Provost and Vice-President, Academic, UBC Vancouver, invites UBC faculty, students, and staff to submit proposals for the Small Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (TLEF) Innovation projects and invites UBC faculty to apply to the special call Interdisciplinary Team-Teaching Grant (ITTG). The deadline for applications is on November 14, 2019 at 3pm. […]
Call for Applications for Open Educational Resources (OER) Grants
The Office of the Provost and Vice-President, Academic, UBC Vancouver is pleased to announce a new call for applications for the Open Education Resources (OER) Fund. In alignment with UBC’s strategic plan, Shaping UBC’s Next Century, the Office of the Provost has committed $250,000 in annual funding for the next four years to support: The […]