
New advanced research computing infrastructure available to UBC researchers

Research Excellence | Strategy 7: Research Support
Theme: Innovation

A message from Gail Murphy, Vice-President, Research and Innovation, and Jennifer Burns, Chief Information Officer

UBC researchers in all disciplines are invited to apply to access new advanced research computing infrastructure, UBC ARC Sockeye. The application deadline is October 14

Sockeye is a high-performance computing platform featuring 7,000 CPU cores, and more than 10 petabytes of storage capacity. It will address immediate computing and storage needs of many UBC researchers, as well as issues surrounding health data access. This new infrastructure is the result of a $7.9m capital investment made by the university in 2018 to support UBC’s strategic plan, specifically Research Excellence Strategy 7: Research Support.

UBC’s Advanced Research Computing (ARC) team is overseeing the implementation of Sockeye, and will be running information sessions in Vancouver and the Okanagan in September and October. These sessions will outline the new infrastructure, how it can be utilized in different areas of research and the application process for resource allocation. 

For more details about UBC ARC Sockeye, to register for an information session and to learn more about the application process, please visit https://arc.ubc.ca/sockeye