Meet Our IRP Sponsors: Andrew Szeri

Meet Our IRP Sponsors: Andrew Szeri

Professor Andrew Szeri is the Provost and Vice-President Academic for UBC Vancouver, providing leadership for the university’s academic strategy, budgetary and planning processes. The role also includes overseeing UBC’s academic programs and support functions, faculty affairs, enrolment, sustainability and information technology. As an Executive Sponsor for the IRP, Prof. Szeri took time to share his […]

In the Field: Counting Sheep

In the Field: Counting Sheep

Each April, the UBCO Chapter of The Wildlife Society sets out for the annual bighorn sheep survey, which aims to gauge the rate of growth of the Okanagan’s sheep population. The UBCO branch of the international society was started four years ago by two biology students who wanted to cultivate more hands-on fieldwork experiences for their peers. […]

In the Field: Learning Without Borders

In the Field: Learning Without Borders

For four weeks, UBC Okanagan Bachelor of Education students embark on a unique learning experience through Community Field Experience (EDUC 442). The course is an essential part of the Bachelor’s program and involves pairing teacher candidates with community partners. The benefits are twofold: candidates gain knowledge and wisdom offered by their community partner while working […]

Strengthening communities through learning

Strengthening communities through learning

Inside a newly-renovated gym at UBC’s Vancouver campus, a unique space that combines research and clinical practice is improving health outcomes for patients. The UBC Physical Therapy and Research Clinic is based on a ‘student-led’ practice model and provides an innovative and team-based approach. “This clinic is meant to have higher quality of learning and […]

Call for Proposals: Advancing Education Renewal applications open December 1

Call for Proposals: Advancing Education Renewal applications open December 1

Are you passionate about transforming the learning environment for students? If so, the Office of the Provost and VP, Academic, invites interested faculty and staff to apply for the Advancing Education Renewal Call for Proposals. The call, which supports Strategy 11: Education Renewal of UBC’s strategic plan: Shaping UBC’s Next Century, will provide $1.5-million over […]

Apply for the Aspire-2040 Learning Transformations Fund

If you are a faculty member and have a project aimed at advancing UBC’s academic mission, you are invited to apply for the Aspire-2040 Learning Transformations (ALT-2040) Fund. The ALT-2040 Fund builds on the successes of the predecessor ALT Fund to accelerate curricular transformations envisioned in Outlook 2040. The ALT-2040 Fund includes two categories, below: Category […]

Humanities for the People

Humanities for the People

Earlier this year, UBC launched its Public Humanities Hub – a three-year pilot project aimed at supporting collaborative research among Humanities scholars while also highlighting and developing public-facing research in the Humanities. “The impetus behind the Public Humanities movement at UBC is to give scholars an opportunity to participate more fully in the mobilization of […]

Announcing the 2019-21 Online Learning Advancement Fund recipients

The Office of the Provost and Vice-President, Academic, UBC Vancouver is pleased to announce the Online Learning Advancement Fund (OLAF) recipients for 2019-21. Launched earlier this year as part of UBC’s commitment to transformative learning, the OLAF is aimed at supporting the development of cohort-based online learning opportunities – either online or non-credit. In total, […]