
UBC Climate Change Research Symposium

Research Excellence | Strategy 6: Collaborative Clusters
Theme: Collaboration

The UBC Climate Change Research Symposium on October 13 & 14 will bring together, virtually, climate researchers from multiple faculties on our Vancouver and Okanagan campuses. While UBC is a recognized leader in climate change research, there is limited connectivity between the clusters of relevant research activity across the many faculties on our campuses. This symposium, featuring panel discussions and keynote speakers,  will to help make those connections and enhance the potential of UBC researchers to significantly impact climate change through research and innovation. 

The symposium is primarily intended for the UBC research community, but all are welcome to attend. Registration numbers for the symposium are limited, but the two keynote sessions (noon-1pm each day) will also be livestreamed.

Keynote Day 1: Breaking the Energy/ Climate Change Logjam – Dr. David Wilkinson, Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering

Keynote Day 2: Housing Justice in the Fire Zone – the Case of Paradise – Naomi Klein, Associate Professor, Department of Geography, UBC Professor of Climate Justice

Learn more and register for the full symposium or the keynotes only at https://research.ubc.ca/climate-change-research-symposium.