With the launch of the 2020 ISP on September 14, 2020, UBC became the first university in North America to commit to implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), thus taking a human rights-based approach to its Indigenous strategic framework.
Below are some key accomplishments from the last year.
Since the UBC Indigenous Strategic Plan was launched one year ago, many faculties and units have made impressive starts to their implementation of the plan. Read their stories.
The New Indigenous Strategic Initiatives (ISI) Fund is now open. Up to $4-million is available for students, faculty and staff projects across both UBCV and UBCO campuses. Find out more on the new ISP website.
Student-led projects are an integral part of the Indigenous Strategic Initiatives Fund. UBC students: help implement the ISP and advance Indigenous peoples’ human rights at UBC. Student-led projects are eligible for up to $50k per project.
“Nothing about us, without us!” The Indigenous Strategic Plan Guiding Network is a new, innovative and Indigenous-led approach to implementing the ISP at UBC. Find out more about the various committees and where you fit in.
Sign up to an ISP Implementation Toolkit workshop and learn how you can move meaningful reconciliation forward in your unit.
The UBC Indigenous Strategic Plan has just launched its new website, Find everything you need to know about the ISP process, implementation tools and resources, impact stories, funding and more, at https://isp.ubc.ca.
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