Call for proposals to the ALT-2040 Fund Program
The Aspire-2040 Learning Transformations (ALT-2040) Fund supports program development, curriculum transformations, student experience enhancement and educational resource development that accelerates the curricular vision expressed in Outlook 2040. Faculty members are invited to submit proposals to three streams: 1. Open Educational Resources (OER) focus stream. Proposals due November 22, 2021, 3:00pm 2. Program and learning experience enhancement stream. Proposals […]
Call for letters of intent for Large TLEF Transformation projects
Faculty and staff at UBC Vancouver are invited to submit letters of intent for Large Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (TLEF) Transformation projects. The deadline is 3pm on Thursday, July 15, 2021. About large TLEF transformation projects Large TLEF Transformation projects are multi-year projects that are intended to advance UBC’s strategic goals relating to transformative learning. Projects […]
Celebrate UBC global engagement at the strategy launch
We are delighted to announce the launch of In Service, UBC’s global engagement strategy. We invite students, faculty, staff and international partners near and far to join us for a virtual event, where we will share the strategy and vision behind In Service, host a lively discussion and honour this significant milestone together. In Service will serve as […]
UBC research driving the future of clean transportation
Vehicles produce nearly a quarter of Canada’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, making them the country’s second-largest source of such emissions. The University of British Columbia is leading research efforts to make transportation cleaner, safer and more connected, using its unique campus as a living laboratory (Strategy 3: Thriving Communities). One example is an innovative UBC […]
Apply to the Equity Enhancement Fund
The Equity Enhancement Fund (EEF) supports community-based initiatives that enhance equity, diversity, and inclusion – one of the core themes of Shaping UBC’s Next Century, and in alignment with Strategy 4 (Inclusive Excellence). Preference will be given to initiatives which: Build student, faculty, and staff competencies and understanding related to issues of equity, diversity and inclusion through community-engaged […]
Inviting proposals for the 2020 Online Learning Advancement Fund
The university has committed $500,000 in recurring funding to support initiatives that develop both credit and non-credit online learning opportunities, through the Online Learning Advancement Fund (OLAF). The Office of the Provost and Vice-President, Academic, UBC Vancouver, created this fund in alignment with Strategy 11: Education Renewal, and Strategy 13: Practical Learning, of the strategic plan. Faculty […]
Peering into the classroom
Story produced by UBC Internal Communications A glance at the computer monitor in John Vigna’s office is all it takes to realize the depth of dedication the Instructor (Fiction) and Pedagogy Chair of UBC’s Creative Writing Program has toward his role as an educator and mentor. Taped onto the screen, above the keyboard, is a […]