
Announcing the Undergraduate Program Evaluation and Renewal year-two funded projects

Transformative Learning | Strategy 12: Program Redesign
Theme: Collaboration

The Office of the Provost and Vice-President Academic is pleased to announce that current Undergraduate Programs Evaluation and Renewal (UPER) projects will receive renewed support for their second year of funding.

In alignment with Strategy 12: Program Redesign of UBC’s Strategic Plan, Shaping UBC’s Next Century, UPER projects are focused on reframing undergraduate academic program design in terms of learning outcomes and competencies, focused on a commitment to action and change.

UPER funding was announced as a special call of the 2019 Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund round. $1.7-million has been earmarked for program renewal at UBCV, with ten projects funded for up to three years. UPER projects are championed by Department Heads and involve the work of students, faculty and staff in the planning, development and implementation of the projects.

In addition to the UPER funding, the university has created a new grant pathway: the Advancing Education Renewal fund, which includes a focus area on Program Redesign: Developing Program Outcomes. Funded projects for this grant pathway will be announced in the coming weeks.

Congratulations to the renewed UPER projects and teams.