A new course to set a baseline understanding of Indigenous matters among UBC faculty and staff officially launched on National Indigenous Peoples Day (June 21). Weaving Relations is a self-paced, online training course that explores Indigenous histories, people and contexts, as well as settler colonialism in Canada, through the lens of Indigenous-Canadian relationships.
Developed jointly by the Faculty of Applied Science and the Faculty of Land and Food Systems, Weaving Relations will serve as a foundational course and the first of a three-part, forthcoming certificate in Indigenous cultural humility for UBC settler faculty and staff.
“Reconciliation is everyone’s responsibility. Our hope is that Weaving Relations provides the necessary foundational training for people, and particularly settlers to this land, to help them on their journey of understanding and action to advance reconciliation,” said Dr. Sheryl Staub-French, associate dean of equity, diversity, inclusion and indigeneity (EDII).
While originally envisioned for faculty and staff, Weaving Relations is now available to anyone at UBC with a campus-wide login, and will equip individuals with the fundamental competencies needed to reflect and engage in deeper conversations as part of the important and meaningful work of reconciliation.
Visit the Faculty of Applied Science website to learn more.
Through Strategy 17: Indigenous Engagement, UBC is committed to supporting the objectives and actions of the Indigenous Strategic Plan.