At least once a year, UBC Okanagan students join forces to mop floors, bake cookies or muck out horse stalls, among other tasks. The activities are all part of Days of Caring — held in partnership with the United Way — in which students spend their Reading Week volunteering with community organizations.
Days of Caring has mobilized hundreds of students who have contributed thousands of volunteer hours to numerous organizations and projects for over a decade. “For many students, this is the first step into a whole world of experiential opportunities. Really cool things happen,” said Phil Bond, senior manager of UBCO’s Student Experience Office.
The event illustrates the university’s commitment to nurturing Strategy 3: Thriving Communities — one of the six priority strategies that UBC will focus on over the next two years. Furthermore, Days of Caring is just an introduction to UBCO’s Community Service Learning Program, which runs year-round. Throughout the school year, more than 400 students participate in volunteer opportunities and contribute to the creation of healthy and sustainable communities.
Visit Okanagan Stories to learn more about the valuable experiences students gain through Days of Caring.