Three themes, inclusion, collaboration and innovation, represent key opportunities for transformational change in how we work. These cross-cutting priorities will enhance our academic impact in an increasingly complex and interconnected world. They are imperatives if we are to achieve the vision and goals of the plan. Achieving sustained excellence will require leadership and action to enable changes in culture and practice.
The various elements of the plan and how they interact are summarized inĀ this graphic.
Sustained excellence in research, education and engagement depends on the integration of diverse perspectives and approaches. As a public institution, UBC has the responsibility to ensure inclusion across students, faculty, staff and alumni, and through all external interactions. Inclusion is a commitment to access, success and representation of historically underserved, marginalized or excluded populations. Education is an enabler of social development and mobility, and UBC is intent on advancing the inclusion of all those who have been excluded based on gender, race, religion, sexuality, age, physical ability or economic circumstances.
Because opportunities and challenges are rarely confined to the expertise of a single individual, or even respect disciplinary or institutional boundaries, we must become more adept at collaboration. From climate change, to emerging health issues like the opioid crisis, to our strained social cohesion, progress will require new ways of working within and across disciplines and with the community.
In a world characterized by complex societal challenges and heightened public expectations, broad-based innovation is essential. As institutions of research and learning, universities must embrace creativity and risk-taking across all their activities. Technology and data are reshaping our world and how we interact with one another; this explosion of information is opening new opportunities for study, problem-solving and knowledge exchange beyond the academy. The spirit of innovation must also characterize how public universities operate and steward resources.