
Discover the techniques and practices of outstanding teachers at UBC

Transformative Learning | Strategy 11: Education Renewal
Theme: Innovation
This year’s virtual gathering of faculty at the Celebration of Teaching Excellence

On June 9, 2020, a number of UBC faculty gathered virtually to celebrate the commitment, innovation and dedication of their colleagues in the second annual Celebration of Teaching Excellence. This event shone a spotlight on how faculty are using a diversity of teaching approaches to support student learning through evidence-based teaching, mentorship and enriched experiences.

Under Strategy 11: Education Renewal, the university is supporting faculty in the ongoing integration of evidence-informed pedagogies into their classrooms, and encouraging innovations that have the potential to improve upon traditional learning approaches

Our faculty are leaders in how they model and inspire excellence in teaching and mentorship at all levels with a global impact. They are committed not only to the education of their students but also to their sense of belonging and educational experience – making UBC the institution it is. 

Please visit the CTLT website to read more, and to learn how each faculty member uses these innovative approaches to teaching.