
Annual Staff BBQ serves up opportunities for connection and wellbeing

People and Places | Strategy 1: Great People
Theme: Collaboration
Staff at UBC Vancouver enjoying camaraderie and free food at the 17th Welcome Back Staff BBQ

This September, over 5,000 staff at UBC’s Vancouver campus started off the school year with their colleagues at the 17th Annual Welcome Back Staff BBQ.

Staff enjoyed their meal with live music and in the company of colleagues from across the Vancouver campus. This was the biggest BBQ in 17 years – both in number of attendees and community partner tables – and the smallest in terms of landfill waste. With the support of UBC’s Sustainability Coordinator Program, the volunteer zero waste team diverted 437 kilograms of waste from the landfill, ending up with only one small bag of trash.

Thirty-three units and departments participated at the BBQ as exhibitors, providing opportunities for staff to engage, make connections and learn something new. One of the tables was hosted by the Health, Wellbeing & Benefits team in HR, who invited staff to answer the question: “What wellbeing and/or benefits tip would you share with a new employee?”

Visit the Focus on People website to learn more about the BBQ and to see what staff had to say about workplace wellbeing.

The Welcome Back Staff BBQ is aligned with the Focus on People 2025 framework, as well as Strategy 1: Great People of UBC’s strategic plan: Shaping UBC’s Next Century to life.