
Update on 2021/22 Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund

Transformative Learning | Strategy 14: Interdisciplinary Education
Theme: Innovation

In response to UBC’s announcement to offer larger classes primarily online in the fall, the 2021/22 Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (TLEF) funding round will be redeployed to support the Vancouver Faculties with managing the transition to online instruction in the fall, due to the current situation with COVID-19. The Office of the Provost & Vice-President Academic, UBCV, will redeploy $2-million dollars in funding from the TLEF to help support UBC Vancouver Faculties in achieving these goals as they transition a substantial number of courses online for the fall term.  

Associate Deans Academic in each Faculty have been asked to provide a proposal outlining their individual approach. A committee in the Office of the Provost & Vice-President Academic, including representatives from the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology, will review and provide feedback on the plans. Once a plan has been approved, funding will be available starting in early June.

As a consequence of the redeployment of TLEF funding, there will be no call for new Large or Small TLEF proposals this fall. Instead, a portion of next year’s TLEF funds has been reserved to support current multi-year TLEF projects so as to allow active TLEF projects teams to apply for 2nd or 3rd year funding, as initially planned. In September 2020, the deadline for renewal applications will be announced, with a deadline for applications in mid-November. Successful Large and Small TLEF project renewals will be announced in February 2021.

Additional information on the up-coming TLEF round will  be published on the TLEF website in the coming weeks. If you have any questions about the changes to the TLEF, contact tlef.admin@ubc.ca.