
Arts graduate student wins UBC Three Minute Thesis competition

Research Excellence | Strategy 8: Student Research
Theme: Innovation

A UBC Arts graduate student in Psychology as been crowned the champion of the 2023 UBC Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition.

Thirty graduate students competed in the Three Minute Thesis (3MT) semi-finals, resulting in ten who advanced to the final competition on Thursday, March 16. Students shared their research on topics such as mental health and cancer, gene editing, water filtration and hydrogen fuel.

The winner of this year’s UBC 3MT competition was Kiarah O’Kane, MA in Psychology, with the presentation of Do you mythunderstand me? Sexuality myths and sexual outcomes.

O’Kane (she/they), an MA student from the Faculty of Arts, presented their research on sexuality misinformation and sexual well-being. “It is really special to me to see sex research being valued by the broader scientific community! During the 3MT competition, I had so many amazing conversations with other participants about sex research, and it was great to see so much interest in sexual well-being from so many other incredible scientists,” says O’Kane in an interview with UBC’s Psychology department. “Advancing to the Western Regional Competition will be another incredible opportunity to disseminate information about sexuality to the scientific community, and I am so excited! I cannot wait to see the other incredible research being done across Western Canada as well.”

O’Kane represented UBC at the upcoming 3MT Western Regional Competition at the University of Saskatchewan in May.

Please visit the Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies website to see the UBC finalists and semi-finalists, with a link to the playlist of the 3MT videos.

Through Strategy 8: Student Research, UBC is expanding opportunities for undergraduates to gain first-hand experience in research and is strengthening research experiences for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.